Children are at the heart of what we do. We empower people to be lifelong learners, equipping children with knowledge, skills and attitudes in order to aspire, adapt and achieve in an ever changing world. We embrace people’s energy and enthusiasm, encouraging creativity of thought, nurturing curiosity, respect, responsibility and independence.
Through close collaboration between the Court Lane Academies, we believe in one community, two schools and achievement for all.
Together, as part of our University of Chichester Multi Academy Trust, we will cultivate an ethos that raises aspirations and makes a real difference to the life chances of young people.
Our Strategic Aims are personalised and shared with our wider Trust aims.
Learning and Society
Ensure our curriculum offer allows all of our pupils to achieve more and identify with their school community and society as they journey through each of our schools and work closely with our University sponsor.
Strategic Leadership
Develop the leadership capacity and impact of our staff so that they are professionally developed in line with our Trust ambitions and their professional learning pathway.
Collective Responsibility
Invest in and support our staff so that they collaborate to strategically raise the standards all pupils reach and embed evidence-based practices that have an impact on pupils’ learning and identity.
Trust Identity
Ensure our Trust identify and narrative, including our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion commitment, is known to our communities within and outside of the Trust, so that they see, help shape and benefit from being part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust.
Our core values underpin everything that we do:
BELIEVE ….. We cultivate a growth mindset, with positive attitudes and development of every pupil’s learning behaviours, to support children to have confidence to try and then succeed in small steps for each learning journey. Our partnership with parents is essential and valued when encouraging children to attain high standards of effort, achievement and behaviour. We are ambitious for all children, supporting their next steps and celebrating their individuality.
INSPIRE….. We constantly review our curriculum to find ways to engage children's curiosity, light their imaginations and deepen learning. We encourage everyone to support and inspire each other by offering our help and sharing successes. As a school we use our Community, LA and University links to help us to inspire and learn from others as well. Children act as role models to each other as well, striving ot improve the environment for everyone.
ACHIEVE…… We have high expectations and ambitions that we strive hard to achieve for every individual, improving high standards and maintaining a positive reputation within the community. We celebrate achievement in many ways and encourage children to do the best they can.
We considered the type of learners we wanted to prepare for life and send on to their next school. We asked pupils, parents, governors and staff the characteristics and values we would like our children to display by the time they leave us. All the words our stakeholders used were then fed into a word cloud creator which made the most frequently chosen words appear bigger. This word cloud describes the type of pupils we wish to develop at Court Lane Academies and is how we arrived at our core values.