For Year 2 children who are seeking a place at the Junior school in September.
Online applications close in January and parents are notified on National Offer Day in April. Details of tours and this year's dates are always updated annually on our New Entrants page. You can find details of how to apply online, deadlines and appeals timetables through Portsmouth City Council's page here:
The University of Chichester Academy Trust is the admission authority for all of its schools. Portsmouth City Council co-ordinates admissions for all state-funded schools (academies as well as local authority-maintained schools) within the County and further information about the application process can be found on the Portsmouth City Council website.
Details of Court Lane Junior School's Admissions Policy and guidance can be found below.
The University of Chichester Academy Trust Admissions officer is James Humphries, Director of Standards and Effectiveness.
If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.
In general terms the area served by the school is as follows:-
Cosham, East of London Road and North of the railway line.
East Cosham
Farlington, South of the Havant Road and West of the Eastern Road
Information and application forms for transfer to Junior School are distributed to all Year 2 families by the Local Authority (LA) in the Autumn term. Children can be accepted during the school year if there is a place available.
Parents are welcome to visit the school, by appointment.