Click here - to visit a catalogue of the books in our library, available for use both at school and at home. allows you to browse our school library stock, write reviews, see news, and try out the ‘Who Next’ feature. There is also an App version of JuniorLibrarian called ‘iMLS’ available from the App Store and Android Market. To use either version you will need to get your log-on details from Mrs Gibbons - see letter below. You can email with any problems or questions.
As well as the many excellent ‘real’ books available to enjoy from school, children in years 5 and 6 are now offered free access to a library of eBooks as well. Your child can have their own username and password to access an online library of books, which can be previewed, browsed and read this
Each user can select one book at a time and has three weeks to read it, before it disappears from their account. The eBook library operates within a web browser, so they will be able to read them at school, or at home on any device which gives access to the internet.
If you would like your child’s username and password please complete the slip on the letter below and return it to school.