If you would like to visit Court Lane Junior School before completing your application we have the following school tours available.
Please ensure you contact the school office on 02392 375444 to book a place.
National offer day for entry to Year 3 in September 2025 will be Wednesday 16th April. Information will be sent w/c 12th May to parents of children who have been offered a place with details of next steps.
This will be an in person meeting in the school hall and will include introductions to staff, information about the school day, the curriculum, our behaviour policy and more. We are keen to ensure that is a useful and informative meeting so if there is anything in particular you would like to know, please indicate this by email in advance. You will also be able to let us know anything about your child that you feel is important to us working in partnership together for the next four years.
Due to numbers we are unable to accommodate children at this meeting.
Dates are set aside around this time, across Portsmouth for pupils to 'move up' to their new school. All pupils at Court Lane Junior School will spend time in their new classroom, with their new class teacher. They will spend time getting to know each other, finding out about life at the school and becoming familiar with the layout of the school. Children will be organised into their new class groups and we will send details of these closer to the time along with timings for dropping off and picking up.
We are looking forward to working in partnership with you.