The NHS link offers some excellent advice and information, for parents and carers to help them decide whether a child needs time off school and when it is safe to allow them to attend. It also has some robust advice on how to manage an unwell child if there is any uncertainty for parents or carers.
Regular attendance and being at school on time are extremely important for educational and social reasons.
The school is proud of its high attendance and actively works to encourage this. We keep a close check on our school attendance and each week a trophy is awarded to the best class. Annual attendance awards are presented. Awards are given annually for 100% attendance, with no late marks or time out of school after registration, e.g. registered at 1.10pm but child leaves for appointment before 3.20pm. There is a bronze award for one term, a silver award for two terms and a gold award for 100% attendance for the whole year.
Absence will only be authorised in very exceptional circumstances and this is at the discretion of the headteacher. The school will authorise absence for illness or medical appointments. Please note that absence can only be approved in advance and not retrospectively.
Absence will be unauthorised if we do not receive any communication from parents. Absence for holidays cannot be approved. Schools can, in liaison with the Local Authority, issue fixed penalty fines when an unauthorised absence results in a period of at least 10 unauthorised sessions within 10 weeks, i.e. 5 days. The fixed penalty is £80 per child per responsible adult to be paid within 21 days. If this is not paid then the penalty increases to £160 to be paid within 28 days. If the fine is still not paid within this time then parents will be taken to court and can be fined up to £1000.
If your child is absent from school for any reason please notify the school as soon as possible. The office staff are happy to take your telephone calls after 8.30am. There is a telephone answering service when the school office is closed. On the first day of absence, if no message has been received, we will telephone to check the absence. We do this to ensure the safety of the pupil. You must telephone each morning that your child is absent to update the school office.
Attendance is carefully monitored. If the school is concerned about lateness or poor attendance you will be contacted.