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  • Catering/Meals

    Our school meals are provided by Caterlink at a cost of £2.68 per meal.

    All dinners have to be ordered and paid for online via Scopay before Midnight the day before. Contact the school office for information on accessing Scopay and your online access code.

    Please click on the link below to download a copy of our current dinner menu.

    If your child forgets their lunch and there is money on their school account, a dinner will be arranged for them via the school office, but please be aware that this may not be their first choice option. If there is no money on their account, the School Office will contact you to request you provide a packed lunch or add money to your child’s account so that a dinner can be purchased.

    If your child is entitled to Free School Meals, dinners can be ordered online without the need for payment to be added to the account.

    If your child has a special diet, the school should have already contacted you regarding completing the special menu form for Caterlink. Unfortunately, the information already provided to ISS will not be passed on Caterlink. If you have not received a special diet form, please contact the school office who will provide you with one.

    Packed Lunches

    Children may bring a packed lunch to school. We ask that the following rules made in the interests of the children are followed:

    • Packed lunches, which should be sandwich based, must be brought in a lunch box, clearly marked on the lid, with the child's name and class. Please include spoons, straws (if needed) and a piece of kitchen roll or a napkin.
    • Water is served to all children staying on the premises at lunch time so children do not need to bring extra drinks. However, if a drink is provided in a lunch box, please ensure it is in a plastic bottle or a waxed carton. NO glass bottles, flasks, cans or fizzy drinks are permitted. Children having a school dinner are not permitted to bring their own additional drinks. Water is available to the children with their school dinner.

    Nut Free School – Parkside Community Primary School

    In order to safeguard the children who are at risk from an anaphylactic shock (severe allergic reaction) we have banned, CHOCOLATE SPREAD, PEANUTS, and NUT RELATED PRODUCTS. Please DO NOT put any of these items in your child's lunchbox.

    Free School Meals

    Currently, pupils in Years 1 and 2 as well as Reception children all receive free school meals, these are paid by government funding. This provision is called Universal Free School Meals or UFSM. In addition to this funding, parents in low income families or those that are unemployed can also apply for Pupil Premium funding so that their children can receive free school meals in subsequent school years (Year 3 and onwards). Pupil Premium funding can also give children access to some discounted educational trips and events throughout their school years.

    Please read on to find out how to check if you are eligible and if so, how to apply for this financial support.


    The Government is giving money to schools to help children from lower income families do their very best. This funding is called a ‘Pupil Premium’.

    If you qualify, your child/children can receive free school meals and reduced costs towards some after school activities (e.g. Dance, Football, Cookery clubs) or curriculum enrichment opportunities such as learning to play an instrument or join the Rock band. If you are registered for Pupil Premium you may also get help with the cost of day trips and residential trips. In addition to the above support, you will also receive financial help with the cost of your child's first school uniform.

    For every child registered, Court Lane Infant and Junior School gets £1,320 this year. This additional funding allows us to provide an even better education for your child through the purchase of additional resources or staff to support learning.

    Are you eligible?

    You can register your child for Free School Meals if you receive any of these benefits:

    • Income Support
    • Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
    • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
    • Support Under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
    • The Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
    • Child Tax Credit, provided you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) that does not exceed £16,190
    • Working Tax Credit 'run-on' - the payment someone may receive for a further four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
    • Universal Credit, provided your household income does not exceed £7400 per year

    Please note you are not eligible if you are in receipt of Working Tax Credit.

    How to apply

    • Registering is really quick and easy – you can apply online at and get an immediate answer. If you are eligible, your child’s school will be notified within 5 working days.
    • If your application is successful, please complete our schools form (shown below) and return to the school office.
    • If you want your child to have a free, healthy meal at lunchtime that’s great – they will get the free meal, saving you more than £400 a year.
    • If you don’t want your child to have the free school meals, they can continue as normal – as long as you qualify and are registered, you still get discounts for some educational activities from the £1,320 extra the school receives.
    • If you have any problems with applying for this support, please call in our school office on 02392 378890 or for Juniors 02392 375444

    No one will know you have registered and it will not affect any other benefits you are claiming.

    Alternatively if you would like either of the Court Lane Schools to check on your behalf, please complete the form to do this, or call in to either of the school’s offices. Note we will need parent’s name, parent’s date of birth and parent’s national insurance number.